
Full streaming of “Angst”

Hybrid have uploaded their second album “Angst”, recently released by Deepsend Records in April. The new album is available in full streaming in their official website or in this same entry. To purchase physical copies of the album write to…

Agresiva continues its spanish tour

Agresiva continue presenting their debut album “Eternal Foe” throughout the Spanish geography with Chus Maestro on drums. These are the latest tour dates: 20-04-2013: Silent Steel Fest, Factoria del So, Palma de Mallorca. 26-04-2013: WILD + AGRESIVA + SOFIRE +…

HYBRID signs with Deepsend Records

HYBRID, Chus Maestro’s experimental-extreme metal proyect, just announced his signing to American label Deepsend Records (Gorguts, Ulcerate) for the release of their second album “Angst” which will be released on April 30. The album was produced by Chus Maestro, mixed at…

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